I threw out my trimmers when I was packing for the move. I told my barber I'd bust my ass to get there once a week - haircut, then line-up and shave, every other week.
He said fine.
This week's been torture for me. It's like if I haven't worked late, I've been busy with other things after work. With that in mind, I took it to the shop this morning.
At 7 a.m.
I was to be the first one into work, so I wanted to get trimmed up, head in and get the day started for our office. When I pulled up to the shop, I saw a familiar occurrence: The sign said open at 6, but nobody was there.
I may take a trip to Wal-Mart tonight and buy a new set of trimmers.
6 years ago
Wal-mart is the devil...beware lol...I feel u though...I gotta see my barber every week and since he's not workin at a shop anymore I gottga wait for him to get home and settle n before I get my weekly cut
A chinese lady cut my hair during the whole schoolyear i spent in DC... the lady would be done in 10 mins tops, no chattin, no bullshit, no loud music, no loud talking... nothing but a Kool-Aid smile.
But it wont happen again though... i wouldnt survive without the warm feeling (GRIN) of my barber steppin in between my legs and leanin' to get closer to my face. Priceless.
foolishness. why are beauty and barber shops such hot messes when it comes to opening on time?
Yea - barbershops can be a mess. I found a gem though. I loves me some Brandon. The man loves making money - and he's always on time. And he works by appointment only. I go alll the way across Chicago - an hour and a half travel time - every Saturday morning for my 8:30 haircut appointment. He never messes up my lining - he's great...and by 9 AM I'm on my way out!
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