Atlanta, Georgier -- OK, so I've been in this really great training experience for the past two days, but I wanted to get something up before I fell out in my drunken stupor... lol. So today, we talked about feeling emotions in your writing and how it brings someone even farther into the story that you would have anticipated.
I think I do that here. I think all the blogs that I read with some frequency do that.
You all know that I write for a living, and that I must be doing it well. But what I write here, I'm seeing, is seen by the same people who would hardly pick up a newspaper, where I write to pay bills (and feed my own excitement).
Why is that? I guess this is my hood poll to determine what's wrong with what I do that I'm not reaching the people I want to reach. I write stories that I want people to see. And I try to write them in a way that they will be easy to understand and follow.
What makes you seek out your information on a blog/Web site rather than getting it from one of the most trusted sources in the world?
6 years ago
I like reading blogs because...You can write wateva you want. You dont have to edit it, tweak it....nothing. Its your thoughts and opinions.
You can get the story behind the story on blogger. Someone always has more info then the next. Even famous people have blogs. They could be telling us there whole life story and we wouldnt even know it was them. You dont have to sign or stamp your name on a blog. Its just thoughts and word floating in cyberspace.
Raw Uncut and Uncensored lol
P.s ---I think your a great writer dude.
I'm a newspaper reader so ...
Blogs are like a cyber word-of-mouth/gossip/distraction... They give u what u want to read.
The newspaper gives u what u NEED to read.
So it's up to each one of us to decide the amount of info we're interested in, some people are too much though.
This dumb-ass needs to read more newspapers :
I think we like reading blogs because we like to escape to hear people's thoughts and opinions about basically any and everything, not necessarily something related to the news. As well, you get to know people and feel like you start to understand them a bit - then that makes reading their blog much more exciting.
Blogging is more personal. You can say things that won't get you fired on a personal blog.
Reading a newspaper online is just easier to do since we are already online reading blogs anyway :-)
I don't really seek info from blogs. I just like to keep up on people's lives. Most blogs that I read are personal and have very few current events and happenings.
Simply put, blogs tend to inject their stand on an issue whereas media outlets tend to struggle to remain neutral. Even when blogs do not represent my view, it's good to see a strong commitment to an issue and someone taking a stand.
...struggle to remain neutral? Tell me more...
blogs are free, easy to navigate, and no messy ink to get on your fingers.
basically - laziness.
lol @ "georgier"
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