OK, so I've fallen off a little when it comes to the whole weight-loss thing. I mean, it's great to look at all the clothes I can't fit anymore. It's great to be able to go to the gym and not work as hard as I once did.
It's great to look at the new body and...
That's where the list abruptly ends.
My relationship with the gym needs new motivation. I've been going to the gym since January with a desire for an ultimate goal. Somewhere along the line, that goal was forgotten.
I've dwelled on the pounds I've already lost.
I started playing tennis in an unpredictable pattern.
I dipped out on the personal trainer when the money looked like it wasn't going to be there (damn unexpected bills).
So, this month, I'm rededicating myself to the gym. But it's going to be hard. I've gotten used to maintaining the weight I've been around for two months, and it's been cool. If I need to drop 3-5 pounds right quick, I shrug it off and churn through a good week. That whole "I wanna lose 15 pounds this month" thing has left my body.
But I gotta get it back.
Maybe like I did on the other blog. Maybe saying here that I'll lose 15 pounds this month or take a pic in just boxers will motivate me to not humiliate myself. I hope so. Yall still don't wanna see this... lol
How do you motivate yourself to do something that's no longer atop your priority list?
6 years ago
I'd put a ad on craigslist for services wanted and ask for a trainer and just put down how much you can afford and see what happens. The motivation has to come from with in. As long as you are doing something you should be ok
I can't. If it's not on my priority list anymore then it's hard figure out why I should do it.
That, however, becomes problematic when it comes to the bills... *shrug* ah well....
Well you know I followed your weight blog and am still doin' the thing too...yes, you fall off sometimes...shoot, I'm still trying to get back in the swing of things since my vacation over a month ago...just realize what you want and slowly get back on it. If the pics will help show them...just warn us...LOL
Unfortunately I took Fuzzy's approach and cultivated some low self esteem and now I'm back to running my two miles four days a week without fail.
I don't suggest taking that approach, but that's all I got. :)
This weight loss crap is tough - we can all agree to that. But, I think slow and steady is the way to go. I hate going to the gym - but I make the trip 3 days a week. And when my coworker told me today that I looked really good - that was motivation enough - lol.
lol @ vdizzle!!!
what fuzzy said.
my god, fuzz u're just everything i like this week.
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